Thursday, February 21, 2008

Valentine's Day

Our Cuties on Valentine's Day...

For her preschool class, Naomi made her own Valentine's cards. I was so impressed at the precision in which she made them. Each was unique and each was beautiful. She made 35 of these! I helped her some, such as gluing, but she was sure to tell me exactly where to put each heart on the paper.

Jordan...all dressed up cute for her first Valentine's Day.
Isaiah is quite serious about all this lovin'.
Naomi is all dressed in her outfit for a fun day at preschool where they shared a fruit salad, exchanged cards, etc.

I kept it low-key and gave the kids cards and these fun mini M&M guys. They loved them.

Each day after Isaiah goes down for a nap, Naomi and I spend some 'special time' together. This is time for the 2 of us to do fun things, without a lot of interuption. We often play games, draw, make cookies or muffins, paint her toe nails, etc. Today she asked me if we could curl her hair. I thought this would be fun on this special day, so I took the time to do it. She was happy with the results, though I was scared to see her look so grown-up!

Jordan definitely loves Daddy already. (Let's be honest, this smile melts Danny, too!)

Danny taught Modern Hebrew for his night class, so we didn't get a date until the next day. I decided to make dinner special, though and I bought Danny some shrimp. (One of his favorite things.) He put together shrimp scampi while I cooked pasta, sausage & chicken. We threw it all together and it turned out to be a fantastic meal that we all enjoyed. What a true blessing to have such a wonderful family that is full of love because of God's love for us. We can celebrate this every day.


natalie said...

i can't believe how big your kids look...they are so grown up. isaiah wasn't sure what all the fuss was about on valentine's day at preschool. it wasn't until days after that we found all his valentine's still in his backback! he never passed them out...i guess the difference between boys and girls.

azuremle said...

L~Thanks for all the fun details about life-love it! Mine only get recorded in little books for the kids but I figure that's important. I look forward to when Anna actually asks me to do anything with her hair. She's yet to have left the house with a bow or clip still IN her hair! Hope you're able to rise early and meet with God so you're ready for full days with kids! ~Em