Sunday, May 16, 2010

Naomi is Seven!

Here is how we would describe our Naomi Beth:

Briefly put: precocious and fun

She loves observing and analyzing things. She drinks in the little details in life. She finds a bird nest in a random bush, spider eggs on a branch, or notices the little stripes on a flower. She figures out how things work, and has an incredible sense of direction.

She takes joy in making cards for people - she can be so thoughtful and creative.

She's a natural runner. She outruns all of her classmates at school and asks to do extra laps.

She's social. She can be shy at first in a new crowd, but quickly loosens up and is ready to be friends and just have fun.

She laughs easily. She loves to make her siblings laugh, and goes to great length to do this.

She picks out clothing for herself, and likes to look fancy in skirts and dresses. She has impeccable taste. She's 100% girl, but she loves to hike and go on adventures too.

She's a great reader and writer - already reading a solid couple of grades above her age. She enjoys going to school every day.

She is responsible. She picks up after herself, empties the dishwasher, knows what homework needs to be done each day, etc.

We love this girl! She is a gift from God to us and we rejoice that she is in our family!

We had a little party for her with ice cream sundaes.

Pics from Easter...
Such a help to her little sis.
