Sunday, May 24, 2009

First Month with 4 Kids

Our first weeks with 4 kids in our house have been a whirlwind. Here are some pics of our daily life: reading books, spending time outside, etc.

Jordan decided that the doll carriage would be a nice place to sit and read. We're not exactly sure how she got in there on her own.

Yes, Isaiah is actually asleep in this picture. Yes, he's defying the laws of physics.

Isaiah's new favorite activity is cutting out cool animals from our Zoo magazines. He's really learning to use the scissors well. He insists that we have to keep every cut-out in a huge envelope, hidden in the closet - so no one can get them.

5 kids watching Bear Grylls.

Jordan continues to love to read books and say all the words she knows.

Devouring ice-cream sandwiches at our new kid table on the porch.

Isaiah's way of getting on a swing.

Jordan loves to just relax in the swing. (I love her there since it's one less kid to watch constantly. Sometimes I forget to push her, though.)

Our climber. (He still has his helmet on from riding his bike to the park.)

Naomi's been a great help in our household. She will often clean all the things off the floor in one room, just to help out. On Mother's day she did all her responsibilities quickly without me asking her anything. Then she made scrambled eggs for me for breakfast. She came up with the idea and was so proud that she could do it. God knows that I need her!

An Isaiah conversation: "Mom, do you know if there is any place on the earth where there are NO animals?" I reply half-heartedly, "I don't think so." He quickly responds, "YEAAAH. The Dead Sea!" "You're right Isaiah." Yeah, my not-quite 4 year old son showed me up. Pretty bad since I lived there and he's only seen pictures.

Jordan is becoming quite a handful lately--but a super cute handful. Sometimes it seems like she just looks for things to destroy--food, Naomi's art, Isaiah's magazine clippings and Joel's face. She is talking constantly. She's getting pretty good at saying, "Uhh Uhh" (=No) and/or shaking her head. She calls buckles (on car seats, etc.) 'buckies' and loves to click them together. Her favorite toys are dolls and strollers.

Joel is doing fine. He's getting a little bit of fluff on him, though he still has chicken legs (have you seen Danny?). Isaiah recently pointed out that Joel already knows how to eat, poop, pee, spit up, cry and sleep. So there you go.

Cinco de Mayo


Naomi's entire elementary school had a party celebrating Cinco de Mayo. We gathered in the evening to see all the kindergartners perform a dance. I think there were about 120 of them. They danced for 2 songs that were totally choreographed. They had worked on this for weeks, and Naomi practiced at home many nights. They did great!

It was pretty funny to see the thousands of dollars worth of hardware materialize when the dancing kids showed up. Totally cliche.

They looked beautiful when they were all twirling.

That's one pretty senorita.