Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February--Five Months

Here's our little Jordan Kate getting bigger! She's 5 months old now. She weighs 15 1bs. 12 oz. and is 24 1/4 inches long. (Translation: she has good chub rolls and is tall like her dad.) She is flipping over from her back to her belly, and also belly to her back. She is a people person, perking up when talked to, and laughs very easily.

I thought I'd document a rare sighting...Isaiah sitting down! He doesn't do this much. He is normally seen, from behind, as he's running through the house. Or you hear a huge thud from somewhere, and it was him jumping off of something...anything, really! His latest stunt was jumping out of his bedroom window while he was supposed to be taking a nap. I heard a knock at the door, and I opened it to see my neighbor holding Isaiah. She said she found him by her porch and he told her he jumped out of the window. I definitely felt like the A+ mom with total control of my children after that! I had a huge list to go through with him to explain why this was a bad idea. I started with the fact that he might get hurt. He said, "It was fun." What did you land on? "The sticks." (He was barefoot...because he was supposed to be taking a nap.) He had pushed the screen out, crawled through the closed blinds and made a giant leap over 4 feet high! At this point I tried to explain that it is scary for him to be outside alone. His grin from pure joy at showing me where he jumped was so big that I realized I was getting nowhere with this talk, so I stopped. Oh, the joys of having 2.5 year old boy! It should be noted that he already wants to pole vault like his Daddy did! (I can't wait!)
Here are the 'big' kids playing together: Looking at a bug book, and playing with dinosaurs.
We look happy! We are in front of Hume Lake, enjoying the cold, snow, fresh smell of pines, quiet cabin & the kids with grandparents! We got to get away for a night at the end of Dec.

Here's an example of a deep conversation that I had with the two big kids the other day:

Isaiah: Mom, why is God in charge of us?
Mom: God's in charge because he made us.
Isaiah: We made God?
Naomi: Nobody made God. He made his self.
Isaiah: Jesus made God's self?

Lots to learn...


natalie said...

oh my...you have your hands full with your isaiah! our isaiah loves to read, so if i need him to calm down i offer to read a book and that works...at least for now! thanks for the update! it's always great to see your family.

Heather said...

Boys are amazing creatures! I can only imagine the trouble Emmett and Isaiah could get into! I am scared because Randall already keeps a close eye on Emmett and thinks he is the funniest thing around :) The best thing about boys though is the way they love Mommy! How is it they can be sooo... bad and then melt your heart with that little grin?