Wednesday, August 11, 2010

5 Years Old!

In May, our Isaiah turned Five! Enjoy some pics of his active life...

He loves exploring.

Nice catch!

Spiderman B-day cake

During an Easter Egg hunt, running full blast down a hill (with buddy Noah).

Singing in front of church.

Isaiah is a boy full of energy and adventure. If you ask him what he wants to be when he grows up, he says he wants to be a 'survivor' - by which he means he wants to be Bear Grylls (of Man Vs. Wild). He definitely keeps us on our toes, loves Spiderman, loves reading, jumping, riding bikes, climbing treas, etc. In all his craziness, he has a very soft and sensitive heart. He is also a man of quotable quotes! Here are a few examples:

1) Laurie: "God knows how many hairs are on my head."

Isaiah quickly responds: "And that’s how many pounds He loves us!"

2) I (Laurie) went back to our bedroom for a min. during lunch and I returned to find the microwave going. Isaiah was warming up his leftovers. I asked him how long he had turned it on for and he replied, "I just pushed in our phone number: 858-5..." Nice! I quickly pushed cancel on that one!

3) "Do you know what word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly? The word incorrectly? Get it?" And he laughs.

4) When in Visalia, Aunt Natalie asked him, "Isn't it hot today? Like the hottest?" He responds, "No it's not the Sahara Desert!"

5)"Mom, are we amphibians?"

" No."

"Well it means 2 lives and we have two lives."

"What do you mean?"

"One life here and one life in heaven."

6) Danny and I were talking about who was to blame for something. Isaiah said, "Blaming starts a lot of wars."

7) He saw some women in two-piece bathing suits and asked, "Are they in a zucchini?" :)

8)"Mom, if you fall out of a car and your bottom drags along the road, will it catch on fire?" ---too much Tom & Jerry!

9) While I'm driving our van and he's in the back seat: "Control your speed, Mom." I laugh! He replies, "No this is serious. If you don't control your speed you're gonna hit the person in front of you."

10) "God is the most important person."

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