Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Time is flying and spring in here! We've been busy, as usual.

Some quick highlights of the past months:

- I took Naomi and Isaiah to a Sleeping Beauty play. 3 kids from our church homegroup had major roles, so it was fun to watch them.

- We officially have 6 people walking around our apt. now! Whoa. Joel is cruising, but he's still in the stiff-legged stage and tips over all the time. It's super cute!

- Isaiah's favorite activities include swinging on the swing that Danny made on our porch, and playing will his superhero action figures. Never thought we'd see the day.

- Jordan is transitioning to being fully potty trained - so we have an occasional cleanup on aisle 1 (or, even worse, aisle 2). One of her favorite things right now is to get little bowls out for everyone and place them on the counter, and ask for a snack. At least she's thinking of us all!

- Naomi loves doing laps at school around the playground. (Maybe because she is the fastest!) She gets to share something each week with the class and last time she brought a hand balloon pump. She pumped up the balloons and let them go without tying them, so that they flew all over the classroom. Her classmates loved it.

- Danny still spends pretty much every day in the library. He's going to start teaching another class at Bethel Seminary pretty soon, so he's prepping for that in addition to working on his dissertation.

Here are some shots Danny too while fiddling with our new camera (whohoo to collective B-day gifts!)

Isaiah: "Mom, if you fall out of a car & your bottom drags on the road, will it catch on fire?" (Do you think this kid watches too much Tom & Jerry?)

I was trying to talk to Naomi one day, and she wasn't too happy about listening. Jordan goes right up to her and sternly says, "Naomi, you yisten to me. Yisten to Mama." Yes!

Laurie: "What's our body temperature supposed to be?"
Naomi: "98....point 6."
Laurie: "Is that right, Isaiah?"
Isaiah: "No, 98 point 1."
Laurie: "Jordan, what do you think?"
Jordan: "I'm sick."

We have trained our kids (Ha!) to sneeze into the inside of their elbows. Out of the blue one day Isaiah says, "Dad, if you need to sneeze & both of your arms are broken, then you can just sneeze in some random place in the house so that you don't spread germs to everyone."

Isaiah (all the time): "You've got to be kidding me."


natalie said...

loved getting an update on your family! your kids are stunning.

azuremle said...

Really appreciated all this news! Miss you!