Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sugar High

Our neighborhood is great for trick-or-treating. We gather with a mass of neighbors and just start walking. Since it is graduate student housing, there are so many homes with little kids, and even the students without kids get into it! We were only out there for about an hour - how much candy do you really need?! We had 3 kids collecting candy this year. Yikes.

This was Jordan's first year trick-or-treating. She was a skunk, and she was totally into it.
Above: Here is the mob of people going up and down the stairs. In our neighborhood, not everyone participates, so it becomes a treasure hunt for the kids to find the doors with decorations and are thus the ones with candy. It was fun to watch Naomi and Isaiah lead the crew for a while.
Above: This couple was a little more enthusiastic about it all than Danny & me. :)
Nomi is taking orders.
Above: Isaiah couldn't find his Spiderman mask, so at the last minute he grabbed this one, making him Spider-Batman. I'm pretty sure he was the only one with this costume.
...and Joel cruised in the stroller with his pumpkin top.

Joel was all about the candy, too!

Below: Naomi at her Halloween parade at school.

Above: Naomi's teacher & her identical twin both work at the school.
They dressed as Dr. Seuss' Thing 1 & Thing 2. Pretty cute, I thought.

1 comment:

Josh and Heidi Van Ee said...

Very cool! The costumes look great.