Thursday, June 26, 2008


Our kids are growing and reaching milestones...

This year Naomi went to preschool for 2 mornings a week, and loved it. Her teacher was Miss Theresa, who is a veteran preschool teacher. We will miss her!

Above: Naomi gets a nice hug from Miss Theresa.
Below: Some of Naomi's class.

On June 12th, Naomi had a graduation ceremony. She was one of about 150 graduates. They all proudly wore red caps and gowns. I'll admit it, it was pretty cute. About 700 people came to watch! Some of the parents definitely went overboard, bringing huge balloons, dozens of roses, etc. (It's preschool, people!) The classes sang songs with hand motions. They quoted John 14:1-6 from memory, and their teachers told a little about each child when they handed them their diploma. Miss Theresa said Naomi was the 'social butterfly.' Hmm. Not sure what to think of that.

Jordan, meanwhile, has decided to crawl around. She is into everything and wants to be part of the action. She has even started to pull herself up to standing. She is pretty pleased with herself when she stands up and takes a look around!

We've had some hot(tish) weather lately, so we decided to let the big kids run through the sprinkler. Jordan was interested in the drain where all the water was pooling and draining. There was a nice muddy spot to play in:

Above: Naomi thought she should decorate her sister a little.

Isaiah just wanted to run - not a surprise! It didn't matter if he was so cold he was shaking, it was too fun to stop.


Michelle said...

I love the pics of your kids playing together!! How precious. Thanks for your comment on my blog...I say ditto to you! I love being able to see the fun things you're doing and the ways your family is growing. You guys hold a special place in our hearts and we wish we could see you more often.

Anonymous said...

Took me time to read the whole article, the article is great but the comments bring more brainstorm ideas, thanks.

- Johnson