Thursday, October 11, 2007


Time is flying by and October has been a busy month. Here are some exerpts about the kiddos:
-Jordan is growing daily. She is becoming more aware of her surroundings, and actually shows an interest in little animals and toys that we show her.
-Isaiah's speech continues to impress us. His new way to start a sentence is, "Actually..." He inquires about random things such as, "Are you real? Is that man real? Are my bones real?" I have him sit in the corner on a dot sometimes as a form of discipline, and to have him change iis attitude. He normally objects, but then I have him stay there and fold his hands. Each time I've said this he starts to pray on his own. (The only other time he folds his hands is when we are praying at the table.) He starts with a prayer he learned from a video, "Thank you God for this day, for my famly and my friends", then he continues on his own and asks God to help him obey. It is so cute, and he has gotten up with a totally different attitude.
-Naomi is showing more responsibility, and even cleaned out the dishwasher without my solicitation one morning! Nice. She loves to spend time with her little sister, often asking to hold Jordan. She talks to her, shows her toys, etc. She spontaneously gets out paper to draw on, normally to make a card for someone. She is quite the competator as well. We often make putting on our PJ's a game to see who can win-her or Isaiah (we have to put his on for him still). One night we were ready to start this game and she told Isaiah to hide from Dad, so he couldn't put PJ's on Isaiah. He of course obeyed her, thinking it would be a fun game. In the meantime, she put on her PJ's as fast as she could and declared herself the winner! Danny was still trying to find Isaiah! Win at any cost is her motto! :) We thought it was pretty clever.

Below: Naomi did this book in preschool. I thought it was really great and shows just how grown up she is.

Isaiah's art is a little different. See below.

Art by Isaiah Michael Frese. (His sister's face is his canvas.) I noticed he was quiet for a while, and this is what he was up to!

Danny gets the great task of cutting fingernails!

Yikes, I'm the mom to all these kids!


Jordan Kate is really starting to smile now.

1 comment:

natalie said...

thanks for sharing a little of your's so great to hear the details. i miss you.