Danny and the kids caught an alligator lizard up at the family cabin and we brought it home to SD. The kids love catching bugs for it and watching it attack and eat them... (Well, Danny and Isaiah love it the most). It will eat nearly anything alive which is the right size - Danny has even gotten him to eat food out of his hands.
The kids had fun making these little flags to decorate for the 4th of July. We went out to a church picnic in the afternoon on the 4th, but missed the fireworks because we weren't willing to let the kids stay up until 10:30 to see them. Cranky kids all of the next day just so they can see some colored sparks in the air? Call us bad parents, but no way, Jose.
Here's the whole lot of them:
Joel is really starting to wake up from newborn-hood. It's so rewarding to coax smiles and occasional giggles from him.
Isaiah quotes:
[Laurie is looking at Isaiah's craft from church about Jesus ascending to heaven]
Isaiah: "That's Jesus with his hands up."
Laurie: "Why are his hands up?"
Isaiah: "So he won't hit his head on the clouds. That would hurt."
Isaiah: "Dad, you're a SO-good dad, and...I'm getting used to you."
Danny: "What does that mean?"
Isaiah: [thoughtful pause] "It means I kinda like you."
Isaiah: [thoughtful pause] "It means I kinda like you."